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TB 500 – 5mg (5 Vials)
History – What is TB 500?
TB500 is a synthetic version of an active region of Thymosin β4. TB500 promotes endothelial cell differentiation, angiogenesis in dermal tissues, keratinocyte migration, collagen deposition and decrease inflammation. TB 500 is a fraction of Thymosin Beta-4. Thymosin Beta-4 is comprised of 43 amino acids, TB 500 is seven amino acids. TB 500 is specifically amino acid 17-23 in the Thymosin Beta-4 amino chain. Technically Thymosin Beta-4 you includes TB 500 just with all the other Thymosin Beta-4 aminos.
TB 500 is a peptide that contains 7 amino acids (N-Acetyl-Leu-Lys-Lys-Thr-Glu-Thr-Gln) and is naturally produced throughout the entire body. It is found within different cell types (except red blood cells), tissues, cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, wound fluids, blister fluids and blood plasma. It is a regenerative peptide that regulates the activity of muscles, increases muscle growth, and improves healing. As an injectable peptide, it is used to perform these same activities for a faster healing process.
The Benefits of TB 500
Since TB 500 contains anti-inflammatory properties, the peptide can be used to tend to a wide range of conditions. If permitted, athletes use it as a speed healing method in order to continue practicing their sport of choice in a timely manner. While it’s mainly a healing peptide, it includes an assortment of other benefits such as:
- Enhanced muscle growth
- Increased flexibility
- Reduce pain
- Improve stamina
- Stimulate angiogenesis
- Quickly repair tissues
As a result, this can help treat those who suffer from conditions such as blood clots, soft tissue damage, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, muscle injuries, neurological disorders, and autoimmune disease.
Sequence | C38H68N10O14 |
CAS | 885340-08-9 |
Molecular Formula | C38H68N10O14 |
Molecular Weight | 889.01 g/mol |
CID | 62707662 |
Appearance | White Lyophilized Powder |
TB 500 Peptide
TB500 is a synthetic version of an active region of thymosin β4. TB500 is claimed to promote endothelial cell differentiation, angiogenesis in dermal tissues, keratinocyte migration, collagen deposition and decrease inflammation.
TB 500 is a major cellular constituent in many tissues. Its intracellular concentration may reach as high as 0.5 mM. Following Thymosin α1, β4 was the second of the biologically active peptides from Thymosin Fraction 5 to be completely sequenced and synthesized.
Extracellular Thymosin beta-4 may contribute to physiological processes such as angiogenesis, wound healing, and regulation of inflammation. Scientific research has demonstrated TB 500 significantly helps in the healing of muscle, tendon, ligament, joint and bone injuries: TB-500 increases angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation) around damaged tissue, improves collagen deposition, tissue healing and cell survival. It has the ability to control the upregulation cell-building proteins and promote cell growth, cell migration, healing and the proliferation of cells.
History of TB 500
TB-500, also known as Thymosin Beta-4, is a synthetic peptide that is a modified version of the naturally occurring thymosin beta-4 (TB-4) protein. The discovery of thymosin beta-4 dates back to the 1980s, when researchers first identified it as a small peptide hormone that is present in many tissues of the body.
Thymosin beta-4 was originally identified as a protein that is involved in the process of thymocyte differentiation, which is the development of T-cells in the thymus gland. It was later found to have a wide range of other functions in the body, including promoting tissue repair and regeneration, regulating cell migration and proliferation, and modulating the immune system.
In the years following the discovery of thymosin beta-4, researchers began to explore its potential as a therapeutic agent for various medical conditions. One area of particular interest was its ability to promote tissue repair and regeneration, which made it a promising candidate for the treatment of injuries and degenerative conditions.
As a result of these studies, a modified form of thymosin beta-4 known as TB-500 was developed in the late 1990s. TB-500 is a shorter, more stable version of the protein that is easier to produce and has a longer half-life in the body. It has been shown to have similar regenerative and healing properties to the original thymosin beta-4, but with greater potency and efficacy.
Today, TB-500 is primarily used in the field of sports medicine and performance enhancement, where it is believed to help improve muscle recovery, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue repair. It is also being studied for its potential therapeutic applications in a variety of medical conditions, including wound healing, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative disorders.
Read more about TB-500
- “TB-500: A Thymosin Beta-4 Analog with Promising Clinical Applications and Potential in Trauma Management” –
- “Thymosin β4 and β10 Levels in Preterm Neonates with and without Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” –
- “Thymosin Beta-4: A Multifunctional Regenerative Peptide” –
- “The Use of Thymosin Beta-4 for Pressure Ulcer Management in Spinal Cord Injury Patients: A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial” –
- “Thymosin β4 in Cell Migration and Tissue Remodeling after Injury” –
TB-500 Research
- “Thymosin Beta 4 and Thymosin Beta 10 Expression in Prostate Cancer” –
- “Thymosin beta-4 Attenuates the Severity of Bleomycin-Induced Lung Injury in Mice” –
- “Thymosin Beta-4 Protects Cardiomyocytes from Oxidative Stress by Targeting Anti-Oxidative Enzymes” –
Buy <h4><strong>TB 500 </strong><strong>– 5mg</strong><strong> (5 Vials) </strong></h4> <h5><strong> $44.27 per vial</strong></h5> - $221.35 | Us Chem Labs | 99% Pure!

Buy TB 500 – 5mg (5 Vials) $44.27 per vial - $221.35. Us Chem Labs provides the highest quality, highest purity peptides at the lowest price per milligram.
Product SKU: tb-500-5mg-5-vials
Product Brand: US Chem Labs
Product Currency: USD
Product Price: 221.35
Price Valid Until: 2023-12-31
Product In-Stock: InStock